Hey! Im your typical horror writer

I will help my employers and clients by giving them 110%. I am a hard worker and will not rest until my client and employer are satisfied. I strive to exceed beyond my client and employers standards and needs.

Top Skills

  • Conceptualize engaging storylines

  • Develop multi-dimensional characters

  • Write compelling dialogue

  • Write engaging dialogues


  1. I will honor my promise to the best of my ability.

  2. I promise to only accept clients whom I believe I can genuinely help

  3. I will treat my clients with respect and respond to them in a timely manner


  • What's one word that best describes you?


  • What's a catchy nickname or title for you?


  • Why should clients want to work with you?

    My mind has a thousand ideas waiting to be heard

  • What's a quote that represents who you are?

    "Balance is not something you find, it's something you create."

  • What motivates you?



  • bold

  • charismatic

  • confident

Zyahria Waugh


  • Martin Luther King Jr

    Martin Luther King Jr

    A champion for justice and equality, Martin Luther King Jr. left an indelible mark on history. With his powerful "I Have a Dream" speech, he became the heartbeat of the civil rights movement, inspiring millions to stand up against racial segregation and discrimination. His legacy of non-violent protest continues to inspire.

  • Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe

    Absolutely! Marilyn Monroe, the quintessential Hollywood icon, dazzled the world with her beauty and charm. From "Some Like It Hot" to that iconic white dress, Monroe defined glamour. Her mystery-shrouded demise only amplified her legend. A true star, never forgotten.

  • Diana Princess of Wales

    Diana Princess of Wales

    She dazzled the world with her compassion and style. Known as the "People's Princess," Diana left a profound legacy of humanitarian work. Her elegance and warmth, combined with her fight for causes like AIDS awareness and landmine clearance, endeared her to millions globally. A true icon, gone too soon.

  • Mahatma Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi

    He's a global icon for peace and nonviolence. Leading India to independence, Gandhi's strategy of peaceful protest has inspired countless movements worldwide. His legacy? A reminder that lasting change comes from steadfast compassion and the courage to stand firm in one's beliefs. Truly, Gandhi's impact is monumental.

  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates

    Absolutely, Bill Gates is a legend! Co-founder of Microsoft, he rocked the tech world. Gates isn't just a tech wizard; he's a philanthropy hero with the Gates Foundation. Imagine, from coding to saving lives, Gates has done it all. Truly a visionary!


Here are some brands I admire:

  • Amazon is the go-to for everything under the sun, making life easier one click at a time. They're the giants turning doorsteps into treasure troves daily. With Amazon, they always find a way to put a smile in the mailbox.

  • They've turned tech into lifestyle essentials, making every release a must-have. Their sleek designs have everyone saying, "Once you go Apple, you never go back." With innovation at its core, they're always one step ahead in the game.

  • Nike's all about that swoosh, where every step feels like flying. They don't just sell shoes; they sell dreams of victory. With Nike, it's always "Just Do It," no excuses.


  • stubborn

  • headstrong

  • determined

  • ambitious

  • charismatic

  • charming